The blog of Ted, the band.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

mmmh, delete....

ok, first of all this is spork, asking you (admins)  to please delete me from this blog. i dotn realy get why i was invited anyway. so uh... delete me please? its getting really annoying seeing as i am not a member of your band. so when ever the hell you do get this delete me. plus its getting annoying seeing this every time i go to post something in another one of the blogs i am in.
thanks, spork.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

next session

Well, the last time we got together went well - we played together live, something Eric, Tucker and I hadn't done since the talent show. It was the first time that Quiggy played live with us. We did pretty well considering we hadn't practiced for a while. Unfortunately we didn't get any recording done.

Ted needs to get together again sometime next week, ideally sometime on Tuesday - Eric is going to be moving Friday and it's going to be harder to get together again after that. Comment on this post and let me know when is a good time for you.

Monday, July 19, 2004


We're going to be getting together tomorrow. Members of Ted should get here around 11. Leave when you have to. Bring what you need and/or want.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


I was doing some Photoshopping earlier today and came up with a possible logo for Ted. I have to give Gabo some credit because she suggested part of the design for it. Anyway, here it is (click to enlarge):

I hope you like it. You can give me feedback by commenting on this post, emailing me, IMing me, or whatever. The design is not set in stone and I'm more than willing to make structural, cosmetic, and/or aesthetic changes to it. Oh, and I'm also including this handy-dandy poll for another form of feedback.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Ted Sticker

I'd like to use this post to inform you all that the final version of the Ted Sticker has been created and is available for sale. The proceeds from each sale will go towards the band. So buy away, and support your favorite band named Ted!